Monday, January 25, 2010

New Imprints Mean New Author Markets

Two new imprints are good news for authors, offering them, at least potentially, new markets to which to peddle their books.

The first is Grand Central's newly christened Grand Central Life & Style imprint, starting in fall 2010. They will publish between eight and twelve titles a year across categories including style (beauty and fashion), food (cooking), body & mind (diet, fitness, self-help, and inspiration), home (organization, design, and green living), and personal connections (relationships, parenting, and pets). Karen Murgolo will oversee the new line as its editorial director.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Pan Macmillan publishing director Maria Rejt will run her own imprint, Mantle, which launches in May with Scott Turow's new book. Publishing up to 20 books a year, the line will pull together many of Rejt's existing authors from Pan, Picador, and Macmillan. Managing director Anthony Forbes Watson says, "She has a rare eye for high quality writing with broad appeal, and an unstinting focus on her authors. Mantle is the perfect vehicle for her talents."


Copyright 2009 AmSAW

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